Monday, 8 February 2016

Valentine Week List 2018 Dates Full Days Details

Valentine Week List 2018 Full Days Details Rose Day Propose Day Hug Day Kiss Day Chocolate Day Full list and information.

Thanks for visiting We know you all are eager to know about the Valentine Week List and dates. Your search is over because we have given all the information that you need, in this website. Just bookmark this page or share it on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus to spread out the love on social networks. Please share your lovely thoughts and your love stories as well.

Happy Kiss Day 2016 Facebook Timeline Cover

Valentine week days name

Sunday Rose Day, February 7, 2018
Monday Propose Day, February 8, 2018
Tuesday Chocolate Day, February 9, 2018
Wednesday Teddy Day, February 10, 2018
Thursday Promise Day, February 11, 2018
Friday Hug Day, February 12, 2018
Saturday Kiss Day, February 13, 2018
Sunday you know very well about this day, February 14, 2018

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Propose Day 8 FEB 2018 History and Information

Propose Day History, Essay, Wiki | Details for Students- Offer Day would be the second time of Valentine week. Propose time falls annually on very same day ie. 8th March. This would be the day soon after Rose Morning. We expect you examine Rose Morning History and also Information. On this special time, boy proposes a girl by revealing his feelings while using the person he's got fallen throughout deep enjoy.

Love can be some feeling which are not resisted by means of any living being. In like manner express most of these feelings propose to her day can be celebrated. Every time a person takes the estimate, that shows that person accepts to live on other life along. Valentine Few days starts having Rose Morning. By offering a rose, a person expresses his or her heart to help person they loves. Right after rose time, when rose has expressed the feelings, so currently propose time falls on next day of rose day. This day is termed as Offer day which gives a way to propose the love in order to make her your companion. Propose the one who you love in different manner. It doesn't matter how you happen to be proposing. Saying simple items like ‘I Adore You’ rather than any dramatic dialogues may also be a good plan.

Propose Day

Best Ways to Propose on Propose Day

Here we share some best ways to propose your love. These are simple ways to propose.
  • Old is Gold: Get down on one knee and propose your love. This is an old idea which still one of the romantic way to propose your love.
  • Go for a romantic movie and propose her in the movie interval.
  • Make some promises with your love.
  • ‘Will You Marry Me’- Proposing your partner to marry you is one of the most old method. Just try this one for Propose Day 2018.

Happy Propose Day 2018 SMS Hindi Messages Wishes Images

So Propose Day is simply a time ahead and most people are excited in order to celebrate this special lover’s time with great deal of Joy in addition to Excitement. Being celebrated because youth time, there is great deal of craze on the list of youngsters who're desperately ready to commemorate this special occasion. It’s recently been celebrated since Propose Day in Traditional western Countries yet currently it is often started celebrating this event in the modernized way in all areas. On this very day people proposes themselves by presenting different lovely roses, some went up bucket along with greeting playing cards, sending SMS, Love Emails, Wishes, Photographs and Pictures. So people have a tendency to propose in all different possible strategy to impress in addition to express his or her love thoughts.

Happy Propose Day SMS Hindi Messages

As currently being the resident of The indian subcontinent, Indian persons mostly would prefer to send communications in Hindi to themselves. Messages within Hindi be very emotive and sentimental feelings for just a Girl or maybe a Boy. Since Offer Day is about expressing your current heart thoughts different lovely Shayari’s are usually send to generate themselves day specific. Here are a few of the Happy Flower Day Shayari within Hindi which enable you to send inorder to express your thoughts.

Happy Propose Day SMS Hindi Messages Wishes Images

Happy Propose Day SMS Hindi Messages Wishes Images

Dîl Nê Jîsê Jîndâgîbhâr Châhâ Hâî
Ââj Kârungâ Mâî Unsê Îkrâr,
Jîskî Sâdîyos Sê Tâmmânâh Kî Hâî,
Unsê Kârungâ Mêrê Pyâr Kâ Îjâhââr.

Kîsî Ko Nâ Châho Êtnâ Kî,
Uskî Hâr Sâns Tumhârî Kâmjorî Bân Jâyê,
fffLêkîn Zârur Châho Îtnâ Kî,
Uskî Mâ Tumhârî Sâss Bân Jâyê.

Ânjâân êk sââthî kâ îss dîl ko întêjâr hâî,
Pyâsâ hâîn yê âânkhên âur dîl bêkârâr hâî,
Unkê sââth mîl jâyê to hâr rââh ââsân ho jâyêgî,
Shâyâd îssî ânokhêy êhsââs kâ nââm Pyââr hâî hâppy vâlêntînê dây!

Valentine week has already begun and now people have started to express their feelings in Different ways. But the most popular way to impress someone is to send SMS and Messages to tell about your love feelings .We have some of the popular Happy Propose Day SMS and Messages which can be used to  send on this special day

Happy Rose Day 2018 Wishes SMS & Messages in Hindi

Delighted Rose Time 2018 Wishes SMS & Emails – And so now Valentine Day is just a few days ahead and everybody have started off preparations of their own way so as to celebrate and luxuriate in this exclusive moment with their loved people. This day would be the unique instant to desire their soulmates in more desirable manner. Now a day’s interpersonal messages took place of the Traditional hoping cards, where Whatsapp and Facebook is just about the powerful messaging tool and among the easiest medium expressing each other’s emotions.

Happy Rose Day 2018 Wishes

Happy Rose Day WishesValentine Day few days begins with the Rose day which happens 7th connected with February on a yearly basis. Rose Time is celebrated to comprehend excitement and feelings thereby gifting Tulips, precious gifts thus to their dear people. But the earliest step expressing love towards your companion is through sending Wishes. So i am here with many of the Rose Time wishes which is often forwarded to all your family to lighten up emotions.

Happy Rose Day 2016 Wishes SMS & Messages in Hindi

Happy Rose Day Wishes
Évérythîng Âbout You Îs Întéréstîng,
Your Smîlé, Your Lâughtér, Your Béâuty,
Your Scént Ând Your Compâny.
Î Âlwâys Thînk Of You Wîth  Smîlé On My Fâcé.
Î Lové You My Précîous Rosé.
Happy Rose Day ..!!
Hâppy Rosé Dây!
wéétér thân thé cândîés
lovélîér thân thé réd rosés
moré huggâblé thân soft toys
thât’s whât you’ré
héré’s wîshîng you â Happy Rose Day ..!!
Thât’s âs spécîâl âs you’ré
24hrs mâké â lovély dây,
7 dâys mâké â lovély wéék,
52 wééks mâké â lovély yéâr & knowîng â
pérson lîké mé wîll mâké your lîfé lovély.
Hâvé â lovély Rosé Dây n lîfé!
 rosé doésn’t méâns for proposîng lové. ît âlso méâns
R- Râré
O- Onés
S- Supportîng
É- Éntîré lîfé

Happy Rose Day SMS in Hindi English

Happy Rose Day SMS in Hindi – Rose Day, being the first day of the valentine week it has its own importance. Rose Day is celebrated as the sign of desire and wishing to get to know someone better. The color of roses signifies its meaning to express feeling to others. Red Rose is a sign of Enthusiastic Love, Yellow Rose means to care someone, White Rose propose its purity and privacy, Pink Rose a symbol of Thankfulness and Respect, Lavender Rose a love at first sight.

Happy Rose Day 2016 Wishes SMS & Messages in Hindi

Happy Rose Day Wishes
So we have brought you some of the SMS collections in Hindi and English to celebrate the Rose Day
Honth Kéh Nâhî Sâkté Jo Fâsânâ Dîl Kâ,
Shâyâd Nâzâr Sé Woh Bâât Ho Jâyé.
Îs Umééd Méîn Kârté Hâîn Întézââr Râât Kâ, Ké Shâyâd Sâpné Méîn Mulâqât Ho Jâyé.
Phool Khîlté Râhn Zndgî Kî Râh Mn,
Hânsî Châmktî Rhé Âpkî Nîgâ Mn,
Kâdm Kâdm Pr Mîlé Khushî Kî Bâhâr Ââpko,
Dîl Détâ H Yé hî Duâ Bâr Bâr Ââpko,
Hâppy Rosé Dây 2016 mérî jââân.
Happy Rose Day ..!!
Gulâb Gulâb Hotâ
Usé Rosé Nâ Kâho
Dost Dost Hotâ Hâî
Usé Dusmân Nâ Kâho Wâh Wâh
Happy Rose Day ..!!
Thâts âs spêcîâl âs u r,
Gulââb ho tum sâbâb ho,
yêh nâ kêhnâ kî kâântê ho,
q k kâântê hmêshâ drd dêtê hâîn,
Âur phoool hâmêshâ khushbu dêtê hâîn,
Happy Rose Day ..!!
 Rosê for you on Rosê Dây.!
Know whât?.!
Nothîng cân rêplâcê you în my lîfê.!
Hâppy Rosê dây my dêâr lâdy!
Êvêry bîrd cânnot dâncê, but pêâcock do ît.
Happy Rose Day ..!!
Âny onê cân lovê Rosê,
But no onê wîll lovê â lêâf thât Mâdê thê Rosê.
Don’t lovê somêonê who îs bêâutîful,
But lovê thê onê who cân mâkê your lîfê bêâutîful |
Happy Rose Day ..!!

Happy Rose Day Messages for Girlfriend / Boyfriend

Happy Rose Day Messages – Messages for the Girlfriend and Boyfriend has the lot of Importance on the Rose Day. Every Girl and Boy are willing to share their feelings  among each other on this auspicious day .So Messaging each other is the best way to express your deep feelings in front of your loved ones. We have come up with some of the best Messages that can be used by Girlfriend or a Boyfriend to express love and to propose your loved one.

Happy Rose Day 2016 Wishes SMS & Messages in Hindi

Happy Rose Day
Lové cân bé éxprésséd în mâny wâys.
Oné wây Î know îs to sénd ît âcross thé dîstâncé
to thé pérson who îs réâdîng thîs.
Happy Rose Day ..!!
Swéétér thân thé cândîés
lovélîér thân thé réd rosés
moré huggâblé thân soft toys
thât’s whât you’ré
héré’s wîshîng you â Rosé Dây
thât’s âs spécîâl âs you’ré
Happy Rose Day ..!!
Î âskêd God for rosês
Ând God gâvê mê gârdên of Rosê
Î âskêd hîm â drop of wâtêr
Ând God gâvê mê ân ocêân,
Î âskêd Hîm for ângêl
Ând God gâvê mê you my lovê!
Happy Rose Day ..!!

Happy Rose Day 2018 Wallpapers Images Quotes

All best Rose Day Wallpapers, As Valentine week 2018 is so close to us, so here we are going to share and providing you the latest and special stock of Rose Day wallpapers images. Choose the special Roses to propose your Boyfriend/Girlfriend with one of these. Check below the latest and top collection of Rose Day Wallpapers images for Boys & Girls.
If you are searching for Rose Day Wallpapers-images 2018 then, you are at right place. Use these Rose day scraps to wish you special and dear ones.

Rose Day wallpaper-Images 2018

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Rose Day images

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Happy Rose Day 2018 SMS for Girlfriend Wallpapers Quotes

Happy Rose Day 2018 SMS, Wishes for Girlfriend : Valentine’s week is about to come within a few days. All people and mostly Young youth are now start searching for Happy Rose Day 2018 Wishes, SMS & Messages for to send to their love, girlfriends, crushes etc. Here you find some best collection on great happy rose day 2018 wishes, SMS for girlfriend. So check these for free and send these happy rose day 2018 wishes, SMS, messages to your girlfriend via phone, We-chat, Facebook, Whatsapp chatting and through so many all other network medium. Now check out the best and latest Happy Rose Day 2018 SMS & Messages for girlfriend.
Happy Rose Day 2016 SMS for Girlfriend Wallpapers Quotes pics poems greeting

Happy Rose Day 2018 SMS for Girlfriend | Free

I Forgot You It Happened Never…
I Will Stand There For You Forever….
I Can Wait Forever What It Takes.
Because You Were and You Are My Forever,
And For Forever I Always Waits..
HAppy Rose DAy
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
All I wanted was someone to care for me,
All I wanted was someone who’d be there for me,
All I ever wanted was someone who’d be true,
All I ever wanted was someone like YoU.
Happy Rose Day
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I have a heart n that is true,
But now it has
gone from me to u,
So care for it just like i do,
B’CoZ I have no
heart n u have 2.
Happy Rose Day
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Today is rose day
Happy rose day 2 ol.
When I was a boy,
The Sioux owned the world.
The sun rose & set on their..
They sent ten thousand men to battle.
Where r the warriors today?
Who slew them ???
Where r our lands ???
Who owns them ???
By: Sitting Bull

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Happy Valentine's Day 2018 Greetings Ecards Poems

Happy Valentine's Day 2018 Greetings Ecards Poems to loved once : We are here going to share the best collection on Happy valentine Day 2018 quotes wallapers to make your timeline best. As you know that Propose Day is celebrated on 8th February, this is the major festival of European countries. Here you get the best and latest collection to wish your Valentine by some cool Happy Kiss Day 2018 Facebook Status, Updates and Posts Timeline.

Happy Valentine's Day 2016 Greetings Ecards Poems

Happy Valentine's Day 2016 Greetings Ecards Poems

Happy Valentine's Day 2016 Greetings Ecards Poems

Happy Valentine's Day 2016 Greetings Ecards Poems

Thanks for visiting our site. Hope you like this post on Happy Valentine Day 2018 Greetings Ecards Poems