Monday 11 January 2016

Happy Hug Day 2018 Love Poems Quotes and Poetry

Happy Hug Day 2018 Love Poems and Poetry quotes is second last day of valentine’s week. Hug day is celebrated on 13th February, 2018. Every lover needs a hug form his/her lover at some point of the day. On this day all lovers hug to each other to express their feeling. Check out some best and new collection on happy hug day poems 2018, English happy hug day poems. Share all these teddy day poems with your friends on Network sites, Facebook, Google+, Whats-app.

Happy Hug Day 2016 Love Poems Quotes and Poetry

Hug Day Poems 2018 :
If I could bottle up @nd
Sell @ wonder drug
Then I would choose to bottle up
A w@rm @nd loving hug
For nothing is much better
As @ tonic for @ cure
Then just @ little hug th@t c@n
Ch@se @w@y @ te@r!

If you notice someone’s f@ce is
Looking r@ther low
Come @long beside them
And let your c@ring show
Pl@ce your @rm @round them
And give @ little squeeze
There’s nothing like @ hug to
Give the he@rt some e@se!

Sometimes @ hug spe@ks volumes
When someone’s feeling low
@nd more then words @re needed
To set @ he@rt @glow
So next time you see someone
Who’s looking r@ther blue
I’d recommend @ kind word
An perh@ps @ hug or two!

Never be @fr@id to
Express c@re @nd concern
You never know if one d@y
It will be your turn
For life c@n bring us trouble
And bumps @long the w@y
So why not cheer @nother
With @ hug to m@ke their d@y?

Happy Hug Day 2018 Poems

I’d give you @ big hug
everyd@y if I could
along with some kisses,
you know I would
So I hope you like this
th@t I bottled for you….
kisses when needed
And @ big be@r hug too!
Wh@t is @ hug?
A hug is something speci@l
A hug c@n give such joy
A hug c@n bring @ little smile
To every girl @nd boy
A hug c@n s@y @ thous@nd words
Without @ single spoken one
A hug c@n put things right @g@in
When everything seems wrong
A hug c@n be @ lovely thing
It doesn’t h@ve to cont@in @ touch
A hug c@n be on p@per
The word ‘hug’ just me@ns so much
So I’m sending you @ speci@l hug
Not physic@l, it’s true
But this hug is sent to let you know
I think the world of you
~ Yvonne Lowther ~
Hugs @ren’t only physic@l
you c@n give without @ touch,
the w@rmth of @ smile @nd word
c@n often me@n @s much.
Across the miles you send them
to friend, str@ngers @nd m@nkind,
@ hug is very speci@l
and e@sy enough to find.
And the hug I’m sending to you
is full of love @nd wishes,
@nd it will w@rm your soul
more th@n @ny e@rthly riches.
So ple@se p@ss it on
this hug without @ touch
it comes free of @ll germs
and still it me@ns so much.

Hugs @re speci@l for lots of things
They c@n feel like be@rs or butterfly wings
They c@n m@ke you smile when you @re s@d
Or just s@y sorry when you’ve been b@d
They c@n give you love @nd comfort
They c@n w@sh @w@y a te@r
A hug c@n re@ch you @nywhere
Whether you’re f@r @w@y or ne@r
So if you’re feeling lonely
S@d or even blue
Remember @ hug isn’t f@r @w@y
Just c@ll @nd I’ll bring one to you

Send and share these hug day English poems, poems to your girlfriend, husband, boyfriend, wife and to make his/her day memorable and special.